Published Work
A selection of published work. Most of the projects are personal projects. Every now and again I get the opportunity to write and create Photoshop tutorials for UK based Advanced Photoshop and Photoshop Creative publications. Here are some below.

Advanced Photoshop cover design exploring 3D Type in Photoshop CS6. Work covers writing a 4 page tutorial on creating the cover art.

Melbourne 3D Type piece published in Advanced Photoshop Magazine.

"Flavours for the true you" Lettering tutorial published in Photoshop Creative Magazine. Buy Here

Design & Illustration for the highly awarded print journal Justus.

'It's Showtime' Type for Cricket Australia's national Ad Campaign featured in Advanced Photoshop.

Lab Magazine featuring the Font made from light project. View Here

Melbourne 3D Type piece published in Advanced Photoshop Premium collection.

Four page tutorial on 3D Type in Photoshop CS6. Commissioned for Advanced Photoshop Magazine.

'Smash This' tutorial appeared in Advanced Photoshop Magazine.

Photoshop Creative Magazine commissioned tutorial on using Photoshop's Gradient tool.
The tutorial is aimed at Photoshop beginners.
The tutorial is aimed at Photoshop beginners.

Smash This appeared in Photoshop Creative Magazine.

Melbourne and London 3D Type projects Published in Twofold Magazine.

Shots Magazine. Double page spread with retouched comp of Ben Coulson in operating theatre.

Superbrands book cover art for AGL.